- 主題:Financial Business Analysis (MGMT 126)
- 目標:本學期旁聽 MGMT 126,整理吸收前半學期的範圍
Porter’s Five Forces
- Industry competition: Competition and rivalry raise the cost of doing business.
- Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers with strong bargaining power can extract price concessions.
- Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers with strong bargaining power can demand higher prices.
- Threat of substitution: As the number of product substitutes increases, sellers have less power to raise prices and/or pass on costs to buyers.
- Threat of entry: New market entrants increase competition and companies must develop new technologies and human capital to create barriers to entry and economies of scale.
Business Metrics
0. [成長性分析] Growth
- YoY Revenue Growth
- (This year - Last Year) / (Last Year) * 100%
- also used on Operating Income, Net Income, EBITDA…
- 公司若展現好的長短期營收成長率,則具備短期和長期成長動能(當然要避開一次性的賣土地或是資產的收益狀況)
1. [獲利能力分析] Profitability: important margins re profit
- Gross Profit (Gross Income)
- Revenues - COGS
- might be (1) Revenue outperform peer companies (2) COGS less than peer companies
- Gross Profit Margin(毛利率)
- Gross Profit / Revenue (or called Sales)
- 較適用於製造業,一般而言,製造業毛利率若能 > 20% 就算是不錯的表現,但像是一些網路、軟體公司和 IC 設計公司其研發費用佔的是大宗,營業成本不高,所以毛利通常會比較高
- even if the gross profit is good, but you spend so much COGS → still bad
- Operating profit
- Gross Profit - Operating Expenses
- Operating Expenses: mostly SG&A → generate operating costs for each sales dollar
- NOPAT: Net Operating Profit after Tax
- 營業費用包含了管銷費用和研發費用等,營業毛利真正扣除營業費用才是真正的本業獲利。
- Operating Profit Margin(營益率)
- Operating Profit / Sales
- 企業本業的賺錢能力依據,排除買別家公司股票的 unrealized gain 之類的可能
- Operating Expense Margin
- Operating Expense / Sales
- compare with peers
- Operating Income as a Percent of Sales
- patent protection, create barriers
- key factor to determining the operating profitability
- Net Profit / Net Income(淨利)
- gross profit - fixed costs(業外損益(轉投資、買賣土地廠房收入)就是營業淨利,建議 > 10%)
- i.e., Revenues - COGS - fixed costs
- 尤其要避開一次性的賣土地或是資產
- Net Margin(淨利率)
- Net Margin = Net Income / Revenue
2. [獲利效率與槓桿分析] Profitability: ROA & ROE + Financial Leverage
- ROA = Net Income / Average Assets
- Profitability (Profit margin): Net Income / Sales
- 企業的獲利能力
- 淨利率(稅後純益率)
- 來自稅後純益代表產品競爭力佳
- Productivity (Asset Turnover): Sales / Average Assets
- hold the lowest level of assets → better
- 資產使用效率高,則代表可以使用較少的資產創造更高的獲益
- Profitability-oriented v.s. Productivity-oriented
- Coca Cola: High PM, low AT
- reflects (1) company performance
- 企業運用資產賺錢的本事,一般認為 ROA 有 8% 的才算是表現不錯
Financial Leverage
- FL = Average Assets / Average Equity (A = L + OE)
- 財務槓桿
- relative use of debt v.s. equity
- higher debt + interest payments
- it is an inexpensive source of capital relatively (but more risk as debt)
Solvency (償付能力) Analysis:
Anaylsis of FL
- Solvency refers to a company’s ability to meet its debt obligations
- uses balance sheet data and assesses the proportion of capital raised from creditors. → e.g., L/OE Ratio
- uses income statement data and assesses the profit generated relative to debt payment obligations. → e.g., TIE Ratio
- Liability-to-Equity ratio: (L / OE)
- 負債比率,金融業的會很高,因為收入來源是借貸產生的利息
- conveys how reliant a company is on creditor financing compared with equity financing
- variation: “Long Term Debt / Equity” (based on assumption: current liabilities are repaid from current assets. so-called self-liquidating)
- c.f. Debt-to-Market-Cap Ratio
- Time interest Earned (TIE) Ratio: (EBIT / Interest Expenses)
- i.e., Interest Coverage Ratio
- assesses how much operating profit is available to cover debt obligations.
- Liability-to-Asset Ratio: (L/A) → less representative but still works
- Solvency refers to a company’s ability to meet its debt obligations
- Net Income / Average Equity
- $1 EPS / $10 stock price = 10% ROE
- ROE = ROA * (Financial Leverage)
- 若 ROE 來自於財務槓桿則企業營運績效並不健全
- ROE is higher → more debt, less equity (assets is given fixed) → bad
- larger ROE means higher risk (higher reward/loss)
- reflects (1) company performance (2) how assets are financed
- 一家公司長期獲利表現最好的指標,投資人多半會希望一家公司過去 5 年的 ROE 可以大於 15% 或 > 10 %
- Repurchasing shares will increase RoE (since that Shareholder’s Equity decreases)
- 拆解 ROE 可以透視一間公司的獲利能力、資產效率、還有財務槓桿。
3.[週轉率分析] Productivity: Cash / Conversion & Capital Intensiveness
- Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) (Merck proposed this)
- CCC = Days of Inventory Outstanding + Days Sales Outstanding - Days Payables Outstanding
- another way to analyze Productivity (like Asset Turnover)
- DIO: average time to sell inventories
- DSO: average time to collect A/R from the sale
- DPO (minus): average time to pay the payables incurred for puchasing inventory
- generally prefer “low” CCC → the operating cycle is generating profit and cash flow quickly (negative CCC is viewed positively)
- Apple:
- low DIO → carry little inventory as the products are pre-sold
- low DSO → quick sales
- high DPO →(p.s. it is negative) longer time to pay suppliers
- CCC is negative = (73.6) days
- Apple can invest the cash it receives from product sales for 73.6 days before cash is needed to pay suppliers
- Inventory Turnover
- Inventory Turnover 存貨週轉率
- Inventory Turnover In Days
- 有些公司“不適合”用存貨周轉率衡量,例如金融業、營建業
- 金融業是因為它們最大的存貨就是錢(像是銀行、保險業等);營建業則是因為土地即為“存貨”,存貨高、存貨周轉率低很正常
- “適合”用存貨周轉率衡量的公司有製造業、電子業、半導體業等等,這些公司只要存貨一跌價,就會損失
- 零售業、百貨、網購這類企業也同樣可以用存貨周轉率評估
- 存貨周轉率低:公司存貨過多賣不出去,銷售能力衰退。存貨周轉率高:公司產品銷售順利、經營績效好。
- PPE Turnover
- PPE Turnover = Net Sales / Average of Net Fixed PPE
- PPE Turnover in Days = 360 / PPE Turnover
- higher PPE turnover = low capital intensity
- should aim for “higher” PPE turnover (but is hard)
- High Capital Intensity v.s. Low Capital Intensity
- TSMC: low PPE turnover, high capital intensity
- Capital Intensity
- Capital Intensity = Total Assets / Sales = 1 / (Asset Turnover Ratio)
- higher PPE turnover = lower capital intensity
- refers to the weight of a firm’s assets—including plants, property, and equipment—in relation to other factors of production.
- c.f. Labor Intensive
- Apple and TSMC are Capital Intensive (high value)
- Asset Turnover Ratio
- Asset Turnover Ratio = 1 / (Capital Intensity)
4. [高估或低估分析] Valuation Rank (Overvalued / Undervalued)
- (net income - preferred stock dividend) / WASO
- $1 EPS / $10 stock price = 10% ROE
- P/E Ratio (本益比)
- current market price / EPS
- P/B Ratio (股價淨值比)
- current market price / book value per share
- book value = Owner’s Equity = A - L
- 適用於資本密集公司,energy, manufacturing, financial business
- e.g., 通常銀行會用 P/B Ratio 衡量,因為帳面上的 asset 比較明確。
- 軟體公司不適合 P/B Ratio 因為很多 intangible assets (company’s brand name, goodwill, patents, and other intellectual property)
- Earning Multiples
- $10 stock price / $1 EPS = 10x Earning multiple
- buy stock with high multiples!
- Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization
- 倒著算回去,Net Income + I + T + D + A
- firm’s overall financial performance
- Enterprise Value (EV)
- Market Cap + Debt (financial leverage) - Cash (idle cash)
- Debt is a subset of Liability e.g., total liabilities = 230m, which includes 155m of debt
- exclude the effect of financial leverage and idle cash
- EV / Revenue
- helps compares a company’s revenues to its enterprise value. The lower the better, in that, a lower EV/R multiple signals a company is undervalued.
- often used during acquisition
- helps compares a company’s revenues to its enterprise value. The lower the better, in that, a lower EV/R multiple signals a company is undervalued.
- a low EV/EBITDA ratio could mean that a stock is potentially undervalued
- As of Jan. 2020, the average EV/EBITDA for the S&P 500 was 14.20.
- Dividend Yield
- Annual Dividend / Purchase Stock Price
- depends on the price you bought
5. [流動性分析] Liquidity Analysis
- Net Working Capital (NWC,營運資金)
- 了解公司規模多大,推斷規模經濟、市場佔有率
- Current Assets (high liquidity assets) - Current Liabilities
- relevant to Operating Cycle (Cash Cycle)
- Current Ratio 流動比率
- Current Assets / Current Liabilities,越大越好
- more commonly used than NWC (ratios tells more)
- prefer higher Current Ratio
- However, an excessively high current ratio indicates inefficient asset use
- a current ratio less than 1.0 is not always bad
- Walmart: A cash-and-carry company with comparatively fewer accounts receivable can have potentially few current assets (and a low current ratio), but consistently large operating cash inflows ensure the company will be sufficiently liquid.
- Apple: A company can efficiently manage its working capital by minimizing receivables and inventories and maximizing payables.
- Quick Ratio
- Quick Assets (the quickest one in Current Assets) / Current Liabilities
- Cash, Marketable securities, Accounts Receivable
- Free Cash Flow
- Operating Cash Flow (Cash From Operations) - Investing Cash Flow (Capital Expenditures)
- FCF > 0
- Free Cash Flow Yield (FCFY)
- Free Cash Flow / Market Cap
- Free Cash Flow Margin
- Free Cash Flow / Revenue
Valuation Methodology
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
- Income Approach
- More free cash flow → more investment → grow more
- Forecast the free cash flow of the company in 3-5 years, and also predice the growth rate for free cash flow.
- Use discount rate to calculate Intrinsic Value
- Market Value v.s. Intrinsic Value
Selected Public Company Analysis →
what I will use!
- Public Market Approach
- Determines the value based on a comparison of the Company’s financial performance to that of observed market values and multiples of publicly traded companies deemed similar
- consideration size, growth, profitability, and outlook
- Company’s prior year and/or estimated next year’s EBITDA, EPS, NOPAT…→ measure income and cash flow